发布日期:2019-03-13   作者:上海市特殊教育资源中心   

直接教学法(Direct Instruction, 简称DI),是一种以经验为基础,包含多种行为原则(简短、清晰、有序的指令、立即强化和纠错程序),目的是提高学习效果的教学方法。美国心理学协会(APA,2000)指出,自闭症儿童普遍存在语言发育迟缓问题,这严重影响到儿童与外界的交流互动和社会参与。直接教学法就是一种用来教授复杂语言技巧的教学方法,因此可以尝试将直接教学法应用于自闭症儿童的语言干预。




[1] Cadette J N, Wilson C L, Brady M P, et al. The Effectiveness of Direct Instruction in Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Answer "Wh-" Questions[J]. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 2016, 46(9):1-11.

[2] Head, Cynthia, Nelson. The Effects of Direct Instruction on Reading Comprehension for Individuals with Autism or Intellectual Disability[D]. [学位论文]. USA: Auburn University, 2016: 1-140.

[3] Kamps, Debra, etal. A Comprehensive Peer Network Intervention to Improve Social Communication of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders A Randomized Trial in Kindergarten and First Grade[J]. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 2015, 45(6): 1809-1824.

[4] Shillingsburg, M, Alice, etal. Effectiveness of the Direct Instruction Language for Learning Curriculum Among Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder[J]. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 2014, 30(1): 44-56.

编写者:李金花 审稿者:王和平